BackupAssist 365 blogs

BackupAssist 365

How to keep BackupAssist 365 working through Microsoft’s 2023 security changes

Microsoft is in the process of updating their security policies around Exchange Online. This means that Remote PowerShell access will be gradually disabled over time and one of their APIs will be deprecated. These changes will affect all tenants and vendors like us, BackupAssist, who operate within this space.

BackupAssist 365

SharePoint SCA Instructions

This document demonstrates a manual process whereby an existing SharePoint Online site can be configured for backup by a BackupAssist 365 Backup User.

BackupAssist 365

Tech Tip: How to rebuild or repair a corrupt PST file

PST files are a de-facto standard to store mailbox items such as emails, contacts, calendar items, and notes. They can get damaged and refuse to open in Microsoft Outlook if there’s a hardware failure or computer crash. Let’s explore how to recover your data from a broken PST file.