
Microsoft Azure Revenue Jumps 98% YoY

Microsoft has expanded it’s already mammoth presence, with its Azure service drawing in double the profit it did just a year ago.


What Your 3-2-1 Backup Plan Needs

You’re ready to set up a 3-2-1 backup strategy. But how should you set it up? Here’s some of the specifics you will need to consider.


A List of Backup Resolutions for 2018

The start of a New Year is a great time to put your backup solution under the microscope. Here’s how to make sure you’re prepared for 2018.


How to Perform a Cloud Backup Job

Keeping your data safe on cloud storage is a great way to insulate your business against data loss. Here’s how to perform a cloud backup with BackupAssist.


Stopping Backups During Holiday Periods

While we love backups (It’s our business!), there are some times they can be skipped. One of these times is your out-of-office holiday periods.


Why You Should Use Granular Restores

If you’re a SysAdmin or an MSP, granular restores could be making your life a whole lot easier, not to mention increasing your value.


The Age of Ransomware Has Just Begun

With the rise of governments making military-grade ransomware, and the ransomware market set to jump from 8 to 17 billion, 2017 was the calm before the storm.