
Encryption Part 1 – Backup encryption

We often think of data protection as just backups, but encryption is also an important data protection consideration. This article looks at drive encryption, and


Exchange Server protection

A company or organization’s emails are not just a record of what car left its headlights on or whose birthday it is. Emails also contain


Creating consistent backups with VSS

If you create and administer backups, you will have heard the term VSS. You may even know that VSS runs in the background while a


SMB 3.0 Part 2 – Remote VSS backups

Our previous article looked at what SMB 3.0 is  in Windows Server 2012, and how it works. This article looks at the requirements for VSS with SMB


Limited Australian Support | 10th March 2014

Labour Day Public Holiday On Monday 10th March, 2014 our Australian support office will be offering limited support  due to the Victorian Labour Day public holiday.

Product Releases

BackupAssist v 7.4.2 now available

We’ve just launched the latest version of BackupAssist – version 7.4.2. With 19 improvements including enhanced restore features and reporting, we thought it was important


Image backup destination selection

BackupAssist’s suite of backup types includes System Protection, our recommended backup type for Windows servers. This article looks at the requirements and advantages of different


Planning for a Recovery

Data recovery is the process of taking a computer that cannot start itself and returning it to a previous operating state. This means a recovery